February 10, 2016 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Olk, Burns, Seamon, Gauthier, Beauchamp, Seamon, Tate Absent: Wolford Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s Report, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Bob Hobson, Assistant Fire Chief…
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January 13, 2016 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Burns, Tate, Seamon, Wolford, Beauchamp, Olk, Gauthier Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Seamon, support by Maksimchuk to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried. Public Comments- Kelly Potter requested a Special meeting for a Variance. Motion…
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December 9, 2015 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Burns, Tate, Gauthier, Olk, Beauchamp, Absent: Seamon, Wolford (arrived at 7:45) Meeting called to order by Mayor Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s report, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Public Comments: Charles Yaklin…
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Present: Maksimchuk’s, Gauthier, Seamon, Burns, Tate, Beauchamp, Olk, Wolford Call to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Seamon, support by Maksimchuk to accept the Special Meeting Minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s Report, motion carried. Jami Bruff was…
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Special Meeting October 27, 2015 Present: Seamon, Maksimchuk’s, Gauthier, Beauchamp, Olk, Wolford, Burns, Tate Meeting called to order at 7:00p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance. Council discussed the 5 lots in August Meadows 2 & 3 that were deeded over to the Village. A Committee was appointed by Mayor Burns with Trustee Keith Gauthier as Chairperson and Street Commissioner, Carl Seamon and Trustee Andy Wolford…
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October 14, 2015 Present: K. Maksimchuk, Gauthier, Seamon, Olk, Beauchamp, Burns, Wolford, J. Maksimchuk arrived at 7:40 p.m. Meeting called to order by Mayor Burns at 7:00p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Olk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Olk, support by Beauchamp to accept the Treasurer’s Report, motion carried. John Simpkins was present to ask Council to…
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September 9, 2015 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Beauchamp, Tate, Olk, Burns, Gauthier. Absent: Seamon Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s Report, motion carried. Public Comments: Jerry Johnson questioned Council in regards to Leans on August Meadow…
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August 12, 2015 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Gauthier, Olk, Burns, Beauchamp, Tate Absent: Seamon Meeting called to order by Mayor Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Beauchamp, support by Olk to accept the minutes with the following amendment to include Andy Hobson will be hired at $15.00 per hour with a maximum of 20 hours per week, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk,…
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07-08-15 Present: Seamon, Burns, Beauchamp, Poletti, Tate, Olk, Gauthier Absent: Maksimchuk Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Seamon to accept the minutes with the amendment change to include that we tabled putting the dump truck up for sale, support by Olk, motion carried. Motion by Seamon, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s…
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June 10, 2015 Present: Maksimchuk’s, Seamon, Burns, Gauthier, Olk, Beauchamp, Tate Meeting called to order by Mayor Jerry Burns at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Maksimchuk, support by Seamon to accept the Treasurer’s Report, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Council Vacancy is still open. Public Comments: Concern in regards to weeds/brush by the…
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