Category Archives: D.D.A Meeting Minutes

DDA November 2019 Minutes

November 21, 2019 Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, Brad Arthur, Roy Moore Absent: Mr. John Macksimchuck (mayor) Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:30 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Annual business meeting for DDA board members. Dave Schnell for president. Mark made a motion, Holly Bishop seconded the motion. Motion for vice president to be Pete Stewart,…

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DDA October 2019 Minutes

October 15, 2019 Meeting called to order at 6:30pm Present: Roy Moore, Brad Arthur, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell Absent: John Maksimchuk, Pete Stewart, Rob Ballard, Mark Birchmeier 1. Roy made a motion to accept the minutes from last week. Brad seconded the motion. Motion was passed. 2. Dave made a motion to accept the treasurers report from last month. Anita seconded the motion….

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DDA August 2019 Minutes

August 22, 2019, Village Hall Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Roy Moore, Brad Arthur, Pete Stewart Absent: Mark Birchmeier, Rob Ballard, John Macksimchuck Agenda: 1. Call to order at 6:30pm 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Motion to approve July minutes, motion made by Pete seconded by Holly. Motion passed. 4. Motion to approve treasurer’s report, motion made by Pete to approve,…

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DDA July 2019 Minutes

July 19, 2019, Village Hall Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Roy Moore, Mr. John Macksimchuck, Brad Arthur, Pete Stewart Absent: Mark Birchmeier, Rob Ballard Agenda: Call to order at 6:29 pm Pledge of Allegiance Motion to approve June minutes, motion made by Roy seconded by Brad. Motion passed. Motion to approve treasurer’s report, motion made by Anita to approve, seconded by…

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DDA April 2019 Minutes

April 18 2019 / 6:30 PM / Village Hall Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier, John Maksimchuck, Brad Arthur Absent: Roy Moore Agenda: Call to Order 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Special Guest, Tammy from State Bank Motion to approve March minutes, motion carried. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report, vote was unanimous. Motion carries. Old Business: Talk about…

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DDA June 2019 Minutes

Attendees for DDA: Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Bircheier, Brad Arthur and Roy Moore Absent: Mr. John Macksimchuck Agenda Call to order 6:30 p.m. Pledge Motion to approve May minutes made by Dave, Motion seconded by Anita, motion carried. Motion to approve treasurer’s report, vote was unanimous. Motion carries. Special Guest, Frank Merriweather spoke about being the manager for the group…

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DDA November 2018 Minutes

NOVEMBER 15, 2018 Present: M. Birchmeier, Yaklin, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier Absent: Lahmann, Schnell, Maksimchuck Meeting called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance S. Birchmeier motioned to accept the September minutes as presented A. Stewart 2 nd motion P. Stewart motioned to accept the October minutes as presented, M. Birchmeier 2 nd the motion. Bradley Kotrba (Rowe) will be…

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DDA October 2018 Minutes

Present: M. Birchmeier, Lahmann, Schnell, Ustishen, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier Absent: Yaklin, A. Stewart, Burns The meeting was called to order at 6pm with the pledge of allegiance. P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Schnell 2nd. M. Birchmeier motioned to form a committee for Christmas decorations for the village & to spend up to $3500.00. Schnell 2nd. Roll call – all…

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DDA September 2018 Minutes

Present: M. Birchmeier, Schnell, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier, Burns Absent: Yaklin The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance. P. Stewart motioned to accept the July minutes, Lahmann 2nd. A. Stewart motioned to accept the August minutes, S. Birchmeier 2nd. P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, Schnell 2nd. Lahmann mentioned to think about…

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DDA August 2018 Minutes

AUGUST 16,2018 August minutes taken by Tammy Shiefer Present: M. Birchmeier, Yaklin, Lahmann, Schnell, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier Absent: Ustishen, A. Stewart, Burns The meeting was called to order with the pledge of allegiance at 6:30pm. P. Stewart motioned to approve the treasurer’s report as presented, Yaklin 2nd. Profit to date so far on car show is $1648.00 Schnell motioned to pay the bills as…

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