March DDA 2024 Minutes

March 21, 2024 – New Lothrop DDA Minutes 

Members present:  Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Taylor Copes, Cindy Kinsey, Mark Birchmeier, Kayla McCormic, Charles McCormic (Skip).     Absent: Zach Besaw, Tammy Schiefer                                            Meeting started at 6:45 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Mark made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for January. Second by Taylor. Unanimous, motion carried.
  2. Mark made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s reports for February. Second by Taylor. Unanimous, motion carried.
  3. Special Guest & Comments:  None
  4. Old Business:  Water Budget is $25,000; however, we need to know how & where the money is being spent. Still looking into Christmas decorations.  Dave has ordered the flowers for the downtown. Safe Route to school buying lights to light up SIX Ts to Northwood. DDA will pay. 
  5. New Business: Too many keys out for the village hall. Thinking about a new lock or key card. Kayla would like to have a basketball court for the kids, maybe purchase the property located by the State Bank. The idea was liked by all. People are interested in bringing the Car Show back. Dave is going to tell them to come to the DDA meeting and talk with us about it.  Cindy requested to place ad in the Tri-County Citizen for the Garage Sales. Mark made a motion to pay up to $100 for the ad in the paper. Second by Pete. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
  6. Taylor made a motion to approve Invoices. Second by Skip. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 pm 

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