DDA June 2015 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm

Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, P. Stewart, Birchmeier Absent: A. Stewart, Burns

Ustishen motioned to accept the May 2015 minutes as presented Yaklin 2nd the motion.

Schnell motioned to accept the TIF account as presented & Ayres 2nd the motion.

P. Stewart motioned to accept the June 2015 treasures report as presented with Ustishen 2nd the motion.
Roll call-all yes. Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustisheny, P. Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y

There was a unanimous vote of no to not use a PayPal account for the NL website.

The decision to place more flowers around town by businesses (DPW, fire hall, final draft tattoo & Morgans auto) was discussed.

Bills to pay: Birchmeier motioned to pay the bills due & P. Stewart 2nd motion.
Roll call-all yes. Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, P. Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y

Consumers $1336. May
Hazelton Twp- fire radios $900.
Schnells service $350.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44pm

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