DDA December 2017 Minutes
December 21, 2017
Present: M. Birchmeier, Lahmann, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S. Birchmeier, Burns
Absent: Schnell, Yaklin
Meeting called to order at 6:37pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Ustishen motioned to accept the November minutes as presented, P. Stewart 2nd
P. Stewart motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, A. Stewart 2nd
Cindy Kinsey present & volunteering for candlewalk. Talk about new signs & decorations for candlewalk.
John maksimchuck & Chuck Allen were present with new police car quotes.
Car wash still not open due to frozen water lines.
VFW is doing teacher of the year.
S. Birchmeier motioned to pay the bills due, A. Stewart 2nd.
Roll call – all yes.
Project reimbursement $1742 Christmas decorations
Consumers $1345.61
Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm