DDA August 2019 Minutes

August 22, 2019, Village Hall

Attendees for DDA:
Dave Schnell, Holly Bishop, Anita Stewart, Roy Moore, Brad Arthur, Pete Stewart
Absent: Mark Birchmeier, Rob Ballard, John Macksimchuck

1. Call to order at 6:30pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Motion to approve July minutes, motion made by Pete seconded by Holly. Motion passed.

4. Motion to approve treasurer’s report, motion made by Pete to approve,
seconded by Brad. Motion passed.

Special Guest: Tammy from the State Bank has
Old Business: Car Show, everything went well, with the exception of the speaker issue. We are needing to get more volunteers and people to help and organize to keep it running.

5. Motion to pay Anita for the extra work that she does for the car show and for the town. A roll call vote was suggested and also to table the motion until the next meeting. Matt, our town lawyer will check into everything about it and let us know at the next meeting if it is a good idea.

Pete made a motion to get a gift certificate to Morgan’s for the usage of power during part of the car show. Roll call motion was made, vote was unanimous, motion passed.

-Pete suggested we have experienced volunteers that are set up early. Holly, Anita and Dave remarked that next year we not register anyone until 9 if that is what the rules say.

6. New Business: Candlewalk, Mark wanted to talk about decorations, etc.
However, since he is absent, we will table this discussion, also.

7. Invoices: Bill from the village for the seal coating company, McCurdy. We are paying the bill to the village. View Newspapers, Schnell’s Services, Consumers, Rogue Professional, Spartan Fence. However, it was mentioned that perhaps the fence should be covered by the insurance since the July storm tore it down.Dave said that this should go to the village because Karen M. stated that the village will have to send it into insurance. Brad made a motion to pay the bills, Anita made the second motion. Roll call vote taken, and was unanimous to pay the bills. Motion approved.

8. Dave Schnell spoke about how the fence not only was knocked over, but also the cement posts had to be removed. Schnell’s rented a machine and removed the posts. Dave will call Spartan Fence regarding the cost of removing the cement, etc. to see if they cover the removal of the fence, also, or is that an insurance issue.

9. Building for the park, material will be dropped off by the end of this week. However, Pete suggested that we wait until we see what is covered by insurance. Dave will talk to John from town council regarding that.

10. Pete mentioned the need to talk about the legal necessity of being transparent with our minutes and they have not yet been updated. Dave said that he will speak to Brad regarding that.

11. Motion to adjourn made at 7:26pm.

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