DDA August 2015 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Present: Ayres, Yaklin, Schnell, Ustishen, A.Stewart,
Birchmeier, Olk, Burns
Absent: P. Stewart

Ayres motioned to accept the August minutes as presented with Birchmeier 2nd the motion. Ustishen motioned to accept the August treasurer’s report as presented & Olk 2nd the motion.

The DDA will be placing a newspaper ad to thank everyone for all of their help for car show 2015, along with a thank you to farmers market vendors & shoppers for their support.

Facade grants:
Schell motioned to approve the $1500 grant to Brian Gross @ Insurance co. $10,610 was spent on landscaping & windows. Ayres 2nd motion.

Schnell motioned to approve the grant for Village East party store for $1500. $3400 was spent on windows. Ustishen 2nd motion.

Roll call-all yes.
Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y, Olk-y, Burns-y

Olk motioned to approve a 2nd grant for Village East Party Store from for $1500. $3400 was spent on windows at a later date. Birchmeier 2nd motion.

Roll call Ayres-y, Yaklin-n, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, Stewart-y, Birchmeier-n, Olk-y, Burns-n.
Vote passed 5-yes 3-no

$1368.27 consumers reimbursement. Ayres motioned to pay with Birchmeier 2nd motion.
Roll call-all Ayres-y, Yaklin-y, Schnell-y, Ustishen-y, Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y, Olk-y, Burns-y

Stewart to contact CPA about police budget discrepancy.

Stewart motioned to ammend budget to move $12,000 from downtown beautification to pay policing bill. Olk 2nd motion.
Roll call Ayres-y, Yaklin-n, Schnell-n, Ustishen-y, Stewart-y, Birchmeier-y, Olk-y, Burns-y
6-yes 2-no

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