DDA May 2022 Minutes

Present:  Dave Schnell, Anita Stewart, Pete Stewart, Mark Birchmeier. Tammy Schiefer, John Maksimchuk (Mayor)

Absent:  Holly Bishop, Kayla McCormic, Cindy Kinsey

Meeting Called to Order by Pete Stewart at 6:30pm    Pledge of Allegiance

Pete made a motion to approve June meeting minutes, everyone voted unanimously, motion carried.

Treasurers Report reviewed. Motion by Dave to accept the Treasurer’s Report, 2nd made by Mark. Motion carried. 

Special Guests, Stan Birchmeier is here to join and support us.

Discussed a possible new meeting date change. 2nd Wednesday NL DDA at 6:00pm and Village of NL at 7:00pm. Table new meeting date.

Discussed Arch: 1 over the town or 2 arches at each end of town. Mark has engineer in mind to go to Village meeting to present idea for approval to proceed with arch on property in town. Quote on Arch up to $52,000.

Discuss to fix sidewalks in town. ($31,000 Budget for Sidewalks per year). Do a block at a time.

Revitalization Grant: Dave Schnell $1500 new roof & siding. Motion by Pete. 2nd by Anita. Roll Call vote. Everyone voted unanimously, motion carried.

Discussed Speed sign at both side of towns, May people driving too fast. Move the signs or put up post to move signs.   

Dave spoke about movies in the park, looking for ideas. Suggested to hire a company to show the movie.

Invoices: $6270-Dunklee Sidewalk, $1466.61 Barricades & Cones, $1385.56 Consumers, $31.67 DDA Bill. Mark made a motion to pay invoices, 2ns by Dave. 

Round Table: 

Stan – DPW could use new drains, Mark – Street Lights- too costly very expensive. Are the lights getting fixed?  Dave – fix the corner up with some mulch.

Old Business: Flowers delivered today and will be put up tomorrow 5/20/22. Barricades all taking care Dave submitted an invoice. Quote from Traffic Safety Store $1571.14. 

DPW building – Quote on building from Country Boy Builders, new siding, roof, overhead doors. Pete made a motion to spend up to $23,000 to put up a new window & siding on DPW building. 2nd by Dave. Roll Call Vote. Everyone voted unanimously, motion carried. 

Anita made a motion to spend up to $11,0000 for security doors. 2nd by Mark. Roll Call Vote. Everyone voted unanimously, motion carried.

Discussed different color options for Siding and roof.

Declared meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Notes prepared by committee member, Tammy Schiefer

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