Village March 2020 Minutes

March 11, 2020

Present: Maksimchuk’s, Seamon, Tate, S. Birchmeier, L. Olk, Ustishen, Gauthier, Besaw

Meeting called to order by Mayor John Maksimchuk at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Olk, support by Birchmeier to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Gauthier, support by Olk to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Public Comments

Police, DPW and Zoning reports on file.

Adam Johnson, Realtor explained to council a market analysis of a recent property the Village acquired. Comparisons to other similar properties was also presented to Council. Discussed fair value of the property, low end and high end.

Motion by John Maksimchuk, support by Olk to purchase 2 speed limit lighted signs for a cost of $5,819.00 to be funded by General Fund balance, discussion, Traffic Control order must be completed by Police Chief, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Street Commissioner, Carl Seamon discussed August Meadows subdivision road project…Would like to advertise for sealed bids with opening at next meeting. Motion by Seamon, support by Birchmeier to advertise for sealed bids for the paving of August Meadows 2 and 3 with the bid opening at the April 8th Council meeting, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried. Discussed resealing of Main Street and stripping.

DDA member Holly Bishop expressed funds are available to also do the Main Street project.

Payoff on water tower loan is $18,922.09, with a savings of $6,000 if paid off by March 12th . Thank you to the DDA for Paying the entire $150,000 loan. Motion by Birchmeier, support by Besaw to pay off the balance early, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Seamon, support by Olk, to pay all the bills, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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