Village April 2021 Minutes

April 14, 2021

Present:  Maksimchuk’s, Tate, Seamon, Ustishen, L. Olk, S. Birchmeier, Gauthier, Besaw

Meeting called to order by Mayor John Maksimchuk at 7:00 p.m. With the Pledge of Allegiance.  Motion to accept the minutes by     L. Olk, Support by Gauthier, motion carried.  Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by L. Olk, support by Ustishen, motion carried.

Police, DPW and Zoning reports on file.  Discussion in regards to ORV’s within the Village.  Motion by Besaw, support by Ustishen to increase Roger Hollenback’s DPW wages to $15 per hour, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, Motion carried.  Three commissioners will meet with Al to discuss adding an employee since the retirement of Tim Rushton after 20 years of service to the Village.  Motion by S. Birchmeier, support by Besaw to give the meter reader position a raise from $200 to $300 quarterly, roll call, 1 no vote, Seamon, rest yeas, motion carried.

 Motion by Seamon, support by Besaw to adopt resolution        #4-1421 in regards to authorizing non-motorized transportation improvements, discussion, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Seamon, support by Besaw to approve the quote from Gross Construction for a price of $8,210.00 for the sidewalk and approach of the post office property, discussion roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Council had discussion in regards to Solar Farms and residential use and commercial use.  Attorney will bring back a sample ordinance.

Motion to pay all the bills by L. Olk, support by Birchmeier, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

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