September DDA 2024 Minutes
September 19, 2024 – New Lothrop DDA Minutes
Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Taylor Copes, Cindy Kinsey, Tammy Schiefer, Kayla McCormic, Charles McCormic (Skip). Absent: Zach Besaw Meeting started at 6:45 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Mark made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for August. Second by Dave. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Skip made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report foy July. Second by Cindy. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Pete made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report foy August. Second by Tammy. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Special Guest & Comments: Kirt Bierlein from NL Police Dept: Asking for funds to update their equipment (Guns, Ammo). Mark made a motion to pay $1536.00 to purchase 6 guns. Second by Cindy Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried. Dave made a motion to pay $464.00 to purchase Ammo for guns. Second by Cindy Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Old Business: Basketball Courts: Kayla will update with information from the school meeting. Cracks & paint on the streets need updating. Dave got a bid from Ed Birchmeier for color stain on the pavilion. Pete made a motion to pay $820 to paint the pavilion in the park. Second by Mark. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- New Business: Kayla suggested seasonal signs to put on light posts in town. Check on pricing. Christmas Decorations in town, check with Karen on the contract.
- Pete made a motion to pay the invoices. Second by Kayla. Row call vote. Unanimous, motion carried.
- Round Table: Taylor will get quotes on new Christmas decorations for next year to compare. Cindy will schedule a Holly Jolly meeting to prepare for the event.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 pm