January Village 2024 Minutes
January 10, 2024
Present: Maksimchuk, Tate, Birchmeier, Mills, McCormic, Olk, Ustishen, Gauthier Absent: Seamon
Meeting called to order at 7:00p.m. By Mayor McCormic with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Olk, support by Mills to accept the minutes, motion carried. Motion by Mills, support by Olk to approve the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.
Police, DPW, DDA and Zoning reports on file.
Motion by Olk, support by Ustishen to have our February meeting be a public hearing for budgets and Truth in Taxation, motion carried.
Water Commissioner Stan Birchmeier reported to council Federal and State requirements to do a Water Line Service Material Inventory. We have 175 hook ups that were put in before1989 and could be replaced. Spicer Engineering is working on a grant to fund the replacement of 35-110 service line replacements depending on approval of the grant. 2% increase in water bills will be implemented starting March 1st.
Motion by Olk, support by Ustishen to pay all the bills, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.
Declared meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.