DDA November 2018 Minutes

NOVEMBER 15, 2018

Present: M. Birchmeier, Yaklin, Ustishen, A. Stewart, P. Stewart, S.
Absent: Lahmann, Schnell, Maksimchuck

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm with the pledge of allegiance
S. Birchmeier motioned to accept the September minutes as presented
A. Stewart 2 nd motion
P. Stewart motioned to accept the October minutes as presented, M.
Birchmeier 2 nd the motion.
Bradley Kotrba (Rowe) will be putting a report in by December 31, 2018
extending time & a plan for DDA
P. Stewart motioned to allow up to $5000 for candlewalk, A. Stewart 2 nd
motion.. roll call-all yeas
S. Birchmeier motioned to accept the revitalization grant for watershed
Creek for $2735.00 for their sign on building, M. Birchmeier 2 nd motion.
Roll call-all all yeas
P. Stewart motioned to pay all bills presented, Ustishen 2 nd the motion.
Roll call all yeas
Holiday décor $2074
Reimbursement for Street project to McKearney ashphalt $20,000
Consumers $1461.18

Treasurer’s salary $1250

Meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm

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