DDA March 2022 Minutes

New Lothrop, MI DDA Minutes for March 2021

  1. Call to order 6: 35 pm
  2. Members in attendance: Holly Bishop, Pete Stewart, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Kayla
    McCormick Absent: John Macksimchuk, Mark Birchmeier
  3. Motion to approve February’s minutes was made by Anita, seconded by Pete. Motion
  4. New Business: Rex Wheeler was here and spoke about the building that was Gracie’s.
    We may have some offers. He also spoke about solar farms in the area and what he wants
    to do regarding stopping farm land being turned into solar farms.
  5. Treasurer’s report was not available.
  6. Old Business: Flowers were covered by Anita, we will get them in May. Holly brought
    hand outs for people to look at regarding keepsakes for the Cruise-Ins.
  7. Dave spoke about how he went to the Village and prices for cones and barricades. He
    also said that we are getting a quote on roof, doors, etc. of the DPW barn. He also spoke
    about the arch that we have spoken about and perhaps we could put an archway in the
    middle of town.
  8. Anita mentioned that Quick Books is now 150$ a year. Pete made the motion to spend up
    to 200$ on quick books, Dave seconded it. Roll call vote was unanimous.
  9. Invoices to pay: Consumers bill for $1387.67, Computer monthly fees, Copy machine,
    500$ for the ad in the paper. Cindy motion to pay the bills. Kayla seconded it.
  10. Round table discussion-Dave spoke about sidewalks being too low in comparison to the
    roads. Holly spoke about Cruise-Ins and what day to maybe begin. Cindy spoke about the
    movie night being April 9 th and playing the movie Hop. She asked about the DDA being
    able to pay for sugar cookies and a porta-potty for the kids. Pete made a motion to spend
    up to 500$ on the event. Kayla seconded the motion. Roll call vote to pass the motion.
    Motion was unanimous.
  11. Meeting adjourned at 7: 33 pm. Tonight.

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