DDA January 2023 Minutes

January 19, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop

Members present: Pete Stewart, Anita Stewart, Dave Schnell, Cindy Kinsey, Kayla McCormic, Tammy Schiefer, Charles McCormic, Zach Besaw    Absent: Mark Birchmeier       Meeting started at 6:32 pm 

  1. Dave made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for December. Second by Anita. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.  
  2. Pete made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports for December. Second by Tammy. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
  3. Special Guest & Comments: Carl Seamon, Terry Tate, Stan Birchmeier. Stan talked about the water, pipes, water meters-will read with new wand readers. Change meters in the village, roughly 300 homes. Carl talked about the changes in the School Grant Project for the Northwood sidewalks. 
  4. Old Business: Discussed bids & quotes for the Northwood Sidewalks. Kayla made a motion spend up to $35,000 for engineering costs for School Grant Project. Second by Zach. Row call vote. Zach-yes, Tammy-yes, Cindy-yes, Kayla-yes, Skip-yes, Dave-yes, Anita-yes, Pete-No. Majority rules. Motion carried.   
  5. New Business: Business Revitalization Grant: Mark, the chairman, had reviewed and approved the application prior to the meeting. Zach made a motion to approve and accept the application for Schnell’s Services. Second by Skip. Row call, Dave-abstain, unanimous, motion carried. 
  6. New Budget: Zach made a motion to increase Treasurer’s annual salary from $1000 to $1500. Second by Tammy. Row call vote. Kayla abstained. Unanimous, motion carried. Zach amended the motion to pay officers $1500 (treasurer, secretary), $1200 (president & vice president), $1000 for all other board members. Row call vote: Zach-yes, Dave-yes, Anita-yes, Cindy-Yes, Skip-yes, Kayla-abstain, Tammy-abstain, Pete-abstain. Unanimous, motion carried. Cindy made a motion to approve up to $1200 for a computer/laptop for Tammy, secretary. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried. Tammy made a motion to approve and accept the updated budget to the Village Council. Second by Zach. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.    
  7. Skip talked about updates from the last Village Council meeting.
  8. Pete made a motion to approve Invoices. Second by Cindy. Row call vote, unanimous, motion carried.
  9. Pete made a motion to change signers on the DDA Accounts at The State Bank. Adding Tammy, Kayla, Mark, and Dave as signers for the accounts, removing Anita & Brad. Second by Zach. Row Call vote, unanimous. Motion carried.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm

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