Village February 2017 Minutes

February 8, 2017

Present: Burns, Seamon, P. Olk, Gauthier, Wolford, Tate, Poletti

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Jerry Burns.

Motion by P. Olk, support by Gauthier to accept the minutes, motion carried.

Motion by P. Olk, support by Gauthier to accept the Treasurer’s Report, motion carried.

Public Comments: FFA Students made a presentation.

Police, DPW and Zoning Reports are on file.

Motion by Wolford, supported by Gauthier to fix police vehicle check engine light problem and power steering pump. Agreed to try local shop first. Motion carried.

Motion to adopt the Shiawassee County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Motion by Wolford, support by P. Olk. Motion carried.

Truth in Taxation Public Hearing was opened at 8:06, closed at 8:07.

2016-2017 Budget:
Jerry passed out recommendations to amend budget.

Motion by Wolford to accept recommendations, support by P. Olk. Motion carried.

2017-2018 Budget:

Motion by Wolford to accept amended budget, supported by P. Olk. Motion carried.

Burns made a motion to accept Emily Moore to the DDA, P. Olk supported. Motion carried.

Per our Attorney’s recommendation, Burns made a motion, pending an effective date given to us by the attorney, to raise the Treasurer and Clerk wages by $1,500 each a year. Motion supported by P. Olk, motion carried.

Gauthier made a motion to pay all bills, supported by P. Olk. Motion Carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:56pm.

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