October DDA 2023 Minutes

October 19, 2023 – DDA Minutes New Lothrop 

Members present: Pete Stewart, Dave Schnell, Mark Birchmeier, Taylor Copes, Tammy Schiefer, Cindy  Kinsey, Kayla McCormic, Charles (Skip) McCormic Absent: Zach Besaw  

Meeting started at 6:46 pm 

1. Kayla made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for September. Second by Skip. Row call  vote, unanimous, motion carried.  

2. Pete made a motion to approve the Treasurers Report for August & September. Row call vote,  unanimous, motion carried. 

3. Special Guest & Comments: John Birchmeier – Submitted application for revitalization grant for  Cemetery Barn’s overhead door & siding. Dave made a motion to approve the grant. Second by  Cindy. Carl Seamon – Asking DDA for $150,000 for street improvements (combine budget for last  year, current year, next year). Skip made a motion to roll $43,000 last year, $49,500 current  year, total of $92,500 for Saginaw St project. Second by Mark. Row call vote, unanimous, motion  carried. Ask Carl to get a quote for spring for DDA to consider including in budget. Ask about  possibly hooking up a TV screen on the wall in the office.  

4. Old Business: Dave will get bids to see what costs to repair the Park Benches. Flowers are down,  saving baskets for next year. 

5. New Business: Holly Jolly Eve Committee meetings every other Tuesday at Schnell’s at 6 pm.  Stop ads on radio and use the money for other things. Lighted side-by-side parade to kick off the  event-vote for best decorated, elf hunt, fireworks.  

6. Tammy made a motion to pay the invoices. Second by Cindy. Row call vote, unanimous, motion  carried.  

7. Round table discussion: None  

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm

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