Village July 2023 Minutes

July 12, 2023

Present:  Gauthier, Birchmeier, Olk, Ustishen, Seamon, McCormick 

 Absent:  Mills, Maksimchuk

Meetin g called to order with Pledge of allegiance by Mayor Skip McCormick at 7:00 p.m.  Motion by Olk, support by Seamon to accept the minutes, motion carried.  Motion by Olk, support by Seamon to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion carried.

Police, DPW and DDA Reports were given.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Olk to accept the $2,000.00 increase for Police Protection from the school, bringing total to $20,000.00, roll call vote, 2 nays, Seamon, Gauthier rest yeas, motion carried.

Motion by Birchmeier, support by Olk to reimburse $118.00 to someone for a sweater after water meter was changed and it ruined the sweater, discussion, roll call vote, one yea Birchmeier, rest nays, motion failed.

Grant was awarded for Safe Routes to school for a total of $990,000.

Motion by Olk, support by Gauthier to pay all the bills, roll call vote, all yeas, motion carried.

Declared meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

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